About Us
Dr. Llewanda Halldorson is the owner of Eclipse Alternative Veterinary Services, and a veterinarian who has been helping companion animals using acupuncture and alternative medicine for more than 20 years.
Growing up in Revelstoke, BC, she always knew she wanted to be a veterinarian. Home movies show her at just 6 months old, sitting in the middle of a box full of puppies. She was gently stroking little puppy heads while absolutely beaming with delight. That love of animals endures today and has shaped her life; whether in her practice, at home with a motley crew of fur babies, or during the years she spent overseeing the Revelstoke Animal Shelter while on the Board of Directors of the Revelstoke and District Humane Society. It is the reason why she drove across Canada in 2013, bringing 9 cats (8 over the age of 14 years) and 2 Pygmy goats with her for the move to Nova Scotia’s beautiful Annapolis Valley. The whole family had to come!
Dr. Halldorson attended the University of Saskatchewan, receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in 1985. When she graduated, she went straight into small animal private practice in the interior of British Columbia before doing locums for veterinary clinics in the Victoria BC and southern Vancouver Island area.
Dr. Halldorson found herself on the path of alternative medicine after suffering a back injury at work and being given little (if any) hope of a recovery with what conventional medicine could offer. Her own recovery using alternative medicine showed her just what Traditional Chinese Medicine really could offer, and so she set about finding out how she could use that same approach for the benefit of her patients.
Dr. Halldorson and Buddy. "Play with me!", he barks!
She received her Certification in Veterinary Acupuncture following training with the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society in 1998. When her mother was diagnosed with lung cancer only a few years later, Dr. Halldorson was grateful she had been introduced to the people and products that enabled her to give her mother a great quality of life for a number of years.
She firmly believes that life is about more than just longevity, it’s also about quality, and she strives to help her patients, and the people who love them, enjoy both.